I paid for Overwatch 1 and ALL of its content that would release during it, why the hell am I locked out of that?

lmao, good you've deleted your dumb comment. Here's a backup:

No, i'm talking abou truth, never said i was glad they are inaccessible.

But it is the truth whether we like it or not.

In Overwatch case, they did not remove anything. They just overhauled the game and called it OW2, if they just said they are overhauling instead of releasing OW2 none of this bullshit arguments happened in the first place.

Do people cry when other multiplayer games changes the rules? No they dont.

BattleRoyale games removes guns, add guns, change abilities, remove abilities, add new characters, remove maps etc. every single season. Do people complain 7/24? No, they don't.

Do people cry when an MMO gets a new exp and old content becomes irrelevant, and some things got removed completely. Do people cry then? No, they don't.

Then why is everyone talking like changing game from 6v6 Shield Shooter to 5v5 is the end of the world?

The truth is: any multiplayer game can be playable infinitely and many redditors like to defend anti-consumer practices.

Whether or not people complain about these things doesn't matter. They do, but even if they didn't, I'm entitled to a working product and product cannot be remotely destroyed after its sold.

/r/Overwatch Thread Parent