Palm print of an 8 year old in nutrient medium after the 8 year old had played outside.

I dictate my comments and a "cannot" was recorded as "can" incorrectly."Viruses can grow on an Agar plate without bacteria" should have been "Viruses cannot grow on an Agar plate without bacteria", which is a typo.

My typo gave you a second chance to for you to reiterate your fundamental error that you think there are no viruses on that plate. In nature, there are an INSANE amount of natural phage viruses. There is a 10:1 ratio in our gut. In the biosphere, there are more viruses than there are bacteria (citation below). On that plate, there are living phage virus surviving on bacterial host and they outnumber the bacteria almost certainly.

As for this:

Then why the fuck would you reply.

I replied to tell you that focusing on the virus triviality was missing the point so that, in the future, you could stop doing what is so common on reddit: replying to a comment and ignoring the main point and instead trying to show off your own "expertise" by correcting a mistake so trivial that it doesn't even affect the main point. You say:

I was simply refuting one of the points of your argument with basic knowledge.

It wasn't one of the points of my argument. It was one of many examples and not a critical example by any means. Correcting it did not affect my main point in anyway. You weren't trying to help, you were just trying to make yourself feel good about being smart. That isn't "trying to be polite", that is just rude masturbation.

And the fucking priceless thing is you are fucking wrong! Phage virus are literally the most abundant organisms in the biosphere and you didn't fucking know that! If you are going to try and correct someone on a trivial point and get all "bold face and italics" on them, you better be fucking right. And you weren't.

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