Pastor Greg Locke threatens to expose six witches who are members of his church.

Nouns that end in -us ---> -i

If you visit two colleges, you'll see two campi.

At christmas time some companies hand out boni.

If you're looking for work as a clown, try applying at some circi.

A woman pregnant with twins is carrying two feti.

A cornerstone of democracy is performing regular censi.

The MacArthur Foundation hands out grant money to geni.

Spicy food can help clear your sini.

A proctologist inspects ani.

At some zoos you can get up close to the walri.

A judge at a music contest might get to hear several chori.

When learning the guitar your fingers will develop calli.

If you're noisy at home neighbors might complain about the rucki.

A list of pros and cons could also be called a list of pli and mini.

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