The people of England are still paying off a 300 year old debt. Who are they paying and how are they responsible for paying that debt?

I was explaining how our currency is not real but the debt we incur is. I took your comment as a question since it had the interrogation point.

We accept it because the alternative is too uncomfortable for the average citizen. People are content to be raked over the coals when the alternative is not getting the new iPhone, not having many well maintained roads, and potentially facing danger. An average American has no desire to defend themselves from a home invader, my less a red dawn scenario meaning the military budget remains and congress can’t find it in the budget so they borrow. People want that new highway to save them 15 minutes of driving but the state mismanaging funds means they need to borrow. The whole system is too big and has too many moving parts to be efficient at anything other than funneling cash to groups like the rothschilds. The only way to truly win is to not play at all which has been made illegal short of living as a vagrant in a third world nation. Unfortunately society at large would rather see you be put away as crazy rather than let you live peacefully outside of the corruption because they do not want to believe the system is as broken as it is.

Working on self sufficiency and decreasing the worlds dependence on globalism is the easiest means of preventing the corrupt from abusing their power. Less incentive to do evil means less evil happens at least in theory.

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