People older than 30, what are some annoying things that young people do?

Almost 33 here

A few years ago I had a job where most of the people there were a decade to almost a decade-and-a-half younger than me. It was a fast food job and thankfully I don't work there anymore.

One thing I noticed was diarrhea of the mouth - they'd never stop talking and almost nothing that came out of their mouths was interesting, consequential or well-thought-out. I may have had a similar problem at times when I was 17 or 18, but not to that degree.

Another thing I'd notice is how credulously they spouted their parents' political talking points, and how inconsistent they were about their stated beliefs. If their parents were on the right they constantly complained about "lazy freeloaders who don't want to work", yet failed to recognize how exploited they were at their low wage job where they were never treated with respect and how they were helping perpetuate that cycle.

If their parents were on the left they'd talk about how they support universal healthcare and worker's rights (not knocking those things, I support them) but then they wouldn't register to vote - "You mean I have to vote in the primary?"

/r/AskReddit Thread