People say I resemble Audrey Hepburn

I won't argue that misogyny is not present here; some of these comments are very nasty and I'm sure you've gotten even worse in PM. I do want to point out though that posting a picture of yourself, or as an obviouly autonomous person as you say, does not disallow casual objectification at all, in fact it actively demands it. After all, you're quite literally asking people to judge your similarity to Audrey Hepburn based on looks alone. That's objectification, albeit not necessarily of the sexual kind. Building on that, the accusation that you are attention whoring is then actually quite the opposite of objectification, because it takes an objectified representation of you and attaches undesirable personal traits to it.

You yourself do the same, by the way, when you state so matter-of-factly that any negativity towards you (or any other women doing something like this) is projecting anger and insecurity because you serve as a reminder for what they will never have. In the same way that none of these people know you or what your standards are, so too do you not know theirs. If one of their standards is humility (and i'll grant that we can argue about whether or not theres a double standard for women there, but either way it would be their right to set their own personal standard), they might just find that you don't meet their standards rather than the other way around.

If that sounds improbable to you (or anyone else reading this of course), let me point out that without knowing each others' personalities, the only way to come to that conclusion, really, is by the assumption that everyone must find you exceptionally attractive and that this puts you in the position of setting higher standards. If theres another way to get to that idea, I don't know what it is.

And let's not kid ourselves; you are of course very pretty. Audrey Hepburn was also very pretty. You and I and most anyone will agree on both counts there. And that's exactly why going out of your way to draw attention to the latter is very obviously encouraging people to conclude the former. Of course it doesn't have to, per sé. Like you said, that didn't happen with the "They say I look like Van Gogh" guy. But if there was a "They say I look like Chris Hemsworth" guy, looking his handsomest self striking his manliest pose, I'll bet you he would get ripped to shreds in the comments too.

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