People with penises! You are not allowed, under any circumstances, to compliment a woman.

remember I am talking about strangers here. People that know a grand total of zero things about me, so when the first things they say is complimenting my appearance it's pretty obvious what part of me got their attention.

It's entirely different when I actually know them as a friend or co worked or acquaintance because they actually know me and the first thing out of their mouth isn't about how X on me looks attractive. Which you know, naturally is going to make me think "Eww creepy dude".

I had a guy ask me where I got a top from because he figured his partner might like it and it could be a decent present for her. That's a much better conversation opener and isn't someone admitting that they just oogled me like a piece of meat.

Compliments are fine, but if the first thing out of your mouth is a compliment about how attractive someone is that's just alarm bells that they likely want to get into your pants. I'm talking about complete strangers here not people I know, complete strangers it's just annoying. People I know it's fine.

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