Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

If those are their values, they are no longer aligned with the Republican party, and it is on them to create a new title. The republicans that matter, the ones in power want to create a nation of xenophobic Muslim haters, people without healthcare, get into more wars (though Clinton wasn't exactly innocent of that), stop trying to keep drinking water drinkable, cut regulations that protect people in need, cut funding to already destitute schools, increase surveillance on the everyday Americans (again democrats not exactly innocent), reattach church and state, and avoid helping poor people despite their "Christian" values.

If they do not align with all or most of these, they are not today's republicans. If they voted for people who espouse these values, they need to pay attention and get control of their party.

If they espouse these values, fuck them.

If they do not, tell them to stop playing identity politics, and stop calling themselves republicans. The Republican party has no love for the American people.

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