She planned a sex night on Christmas Eve

I experience this with my with my wife age 29F We have no kids. Sex is like a chore for her. She will come up with things to get mad about to kill the mood (especially when I hint at having sex) One time I made a the request I via text I said “Lovey?” and she flat out ignored it. So I went about my business packing lunch for work. I picked up a bag of tortilla chips to transfer into a zip lock bag. She was watching tv and turned around and says “you are being very loud and rude” and then rolled her eyes at me. I looked at her and said “oh” then walked away. The volume of her voice got louder… “what do you mean, oh?!” I replied to her just “oh”

I could tell she was just looking to start a fight that evening and this night it was a chip bag.

She then continued to escalate things and I walked by her and into our bedroom to just get dressed and leave for work two hours early because I just couldn’t be treated like that.

I ended up telling her “you just look for reasons to piss yourself off!” and left. And that spawned a text argument and her saying “and you wonder why I never want to do it.” I’m at the point where “it just is what is”

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread