Police: Father admits to punching infant to death when she wouldn't stop crying

Excellent, realistic advice. When my daughter was six months old and already sleeping through the night, we moved and she started waking up every 2-3 hours for like 4 months. I was a full time college student and working in the evenings - I was a wreck and so was my wife.

Like you said, it’s quite literally like someone took your brain and swapped it for an angry, exhausted, stupid person and you don’t even recognize yourself at times. There were moments where I felt so fired up and fucking LIVID that she had woken up for the fourth time that night, I was beside myself. I fantasized about giving her away or abandoning her in her crib all night just so I could get some uninterrupted rest. It was a living nightmare at times.

Thankfully, we are mature adults in control of our actions and we never resorted to those baser instincts but I have a tremendous amount of empathy for people who have gone through this. It can make a good person a monster. Not justifying the action - just saying I understand what it’s like to feel like your body and brain are completely out of control. Having kids is no fucking joke, people. Your life will never be the same.

(Obligatory “years later everything is fine now and we actually have incredible, intelligent kids who bring us a tremendous amount of incomparable happiness” 10/10 would do again)

/r/news Thread Parent Link - xii12.com