Pope says birth control ban doesn't mean breed 'like rabbits'

The problem is people lack self control and responsibility.

back when birth control was less common, birth rates didnt soar because people had self controls. Kids were raised in homes where they were taught to be responsible and proper. They were taught that sex makes children and that they are to wait until they are ready to have a family.

I know you people will say kids will have sex anyways. It doesnt work. Blah blah blah. ((((You live in a box)))).

When children are taught correctly by their parents, they lead proper lives and are respectable individuals.

This is obvious whenyou see two different children. One that say ok when told no. And another that throws a tantrum until it gets its way, or worse it ignors the parents and does it anyways.

I do agree, birth control is a nice benefit of modern times. But i disagree with the idea that it is okay to use as a way to have sex whenever you want. Especially when you are not set up to have a family.

Many younger kids and teens do not get taught about being responsible when it comes to relationships and sex. Many of them have sex and find out later they have a kid coming. Many of them would not have done it if they actually knew what would happen.

Birth control is viewed as a "way out." a way out of being responsible of your own actions.

Personally. I feel that birth control should not be given unless you are at least 18 years of age and verifiable by an ID. And that parents need to play a larger role in their childrens lives and how they grow up.

A properly raised child will be a good person later in life. And a child without proper parental guidence winds up doing less desirable things. Sometimes rape, sometimes sex with everyone they meet, sometimes murder or theft. It depends on their up bringing.

A lot of you will disagree. But its the truth. Just open your eyes and look around at how different children are raised. How the parents interact and teach them. It all goes together.

And dont say it doesnt work. I was raised properly and to be respectable. And one of the things i learned was that sex is fun and relationships do not revolve around sex. You dont need to have sex to have fun. Sex should be okay when your ready to have a family and when your ready to spend your life with someone. Etc etc...

Yesi want to have sex. And as much asi want to get in bed with my girlfriend, i wont. Why? Because i have proper family values and morals. I will not cause a child to be born with risk of a broken fanily. And with risk of lack of finincial support. Maybe once i have a few children i will look into birth control. But as far as i am concerned, i dont need sex.

This is one reason why marrages in my family last until death. Because my whole family is brought up with traditional old world values. And we are always happy until our time. Sure there can be disputes and arguing. But we always love eachother. And real love keeps all the relationships together. No need to fall back on lust and sex.

/r/worldnews Thread Link - reuters.com