President Trump's approval rating is 90% among Republicans.

Don't you think there are poor white republicans that are in the same position?

Sure, but Democrats tend to take a bigger slice of the lower income demographics when you look at things like exit polls. If you can eliminate 3 Democratic voters for every 2 Republicans, you've come out ahead.

Why do you think there are more black people unable to get an id or get to their voting station?

Sometimes because the state makes it so. For example, Alabama got called out for shutting down DMVs in majority-black areas right after their voter ID law went into effect. Some states are getting slammed in the courts for deliberately shutting down early voting conveniences that are disproportionately used by nonwhite demographics.

And OF COURSE a government id is accepted and a private id isn't. How is that not exceedingly obvious?

Should they accept student IDs from state universities? Regardless, one of the forms of ID often excluded is state employee IDs so its not like this is the crux of the issue.

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