"professional" csgo players from dubai find it acceptable to cheat their fans.

Due to some people saying the original post is trade banned. here is what i originally posted:

About a year ago a player from the best dubai csgo team "Risky" scammed me of around 250$ in skins under the agreement that they would all be returned. Being young at the time and being a fan of the team i agreed. I thought "Whats the worst that could happen, they are trusted members of the community.

The player in question is "Havok" (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197967598433/). He got me on his good side until i trusted him to send my skins over, after which i never saw them again, after questioning him he deleted and blocked me. He recently added me again to discuss this matter as ordered by his teams captain however he has dodged the issue and has lied blatantly saying i never sent skins and at other times he said he sent them back.

Screenshots of trades: https://gyazo.com/f798ca93226910c6e205b80ff1b23db7 https://gyazo.com/a6dbcb399df764408053ab2ec827e5be

as you can see i do not receive any items back from havok in the following days, (more steam inventory screenshots can be provided proving i never received any skins back from him)

https://gyazo.com/e6389536e5749406c4ce2174e74f8b1e https://gyazo.com/523f5f364c4a701564e3b3e40a80c792 https://gyazo.com/3541a0af1ebf3f0b92ca06cc079f6ede https://gyazo.com/3fff121ce04bc3c0f9a93c5f7e9ca7e6 https://gyazo.com/6f09dd65983ab6d76165fee49077cc41 https://gyazo.com/5f6a9fee93a3b49eb0954dd661839b56

I should add that i tried persuing this issue at the time however every single member of the team ignored the issue. i recently tried persuing it too and i was met with the same fate leaving me with only one option.

edit: i am mostly pissed off with all this shit because the 250$ he scammed from me came from 3 birthdays worth of money. the morals of this guy are fucking awful.

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