Protesters block the courthouse in New Orleans to prevent landlords from evicting people

I own a home that we rent out for what the mortgage and insurance on the property costs which is substantially lower than what the rental market could demand. We needed to move and the market was not suitable for selling it. Not to mention the personal, long term financial benefits of owning property.

Wonderful people that love the community, the affordability and the property now live there.

Explain to me how you feel that everyone that rents out a property is a leach?

My family is now living in a rental, in our new town with the added expense of renting. I truly empathize with anyone that hates large rental agencies but most house rentals are owned by individuals. That is not to say that scummy landlords do not exist. If that is what you are dealing with, I am truly sorry to hear that.

I have been in that situation many, many times.

What we need is protection for home owners and rental housing reform. Fair pricing, ethical oversight and tenant protections. Having an affordable place to exist without scrutiny is a human right.

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