Stop giving your kids weird names!

For some reason it’s usually the people with a ton of kids who do the alliteration things, and a coworker of mine fell victim to the downsides of it.

She’s one of 8, all P names.

So while her older brothers did fine (Patrick, Peter, Preston, Paul etc) the parents realized there aren’t too many girl names that start with p...and then they kept having girls.

So her two older sisters got decent choices like (Portia, Penny etc) the younger two didn’t fair so well, once mom stopped finding any she liked.

They got stuck with “Peg” (a nickname for Margaret that has caused her tons of hassle throughout her life when people assume her name is Margaret)

...and Padme (so everyone just assumes she wants to talk about Star Wars her whole life).

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent