A punk about to knockout a klan member.

OK, here are some facts. I hope they're not too boring for you.

  • The Nazis were already "going after them" before Jews called on a boycott of German manufacturing. In fact, the reason they called for the boycott was because the Nazis gained power.

  • Your first "source" was a newspaper headline from one newspaper in 1933. The fact that one newspaper at that time represented the boycott in a biased way means nothing. You can find a lot more inforation than one blurry picture of a headline if you care to look for it.

But if old newspaper headlines are considered good source material now, I think we should change the subject and discuss what a great president Thomas Dewey was.

*Your second source showed that more than 6 million people died in WW II. But we don't disagree about that fact.

But the reason that you stated that fact is that you are attempting to downplay the importance of the murder of 6 million jews in the Holocaust. You are suggesting that "only" 6 million deaths is insignificant in comparison to the total number of deaths.

But the fact that more than just 6 million people died in WW II does not make the Holocaust insignificant in any way. 6 million people is a great number of people regardless of how you consider it. But it is particularly great considering that it the majority of Jews in Europe were killed. And I don't know what reason you have for pretending that genocide is not distinct from other kinds of war related casualties, but I'm not buying it.

In any case, the problem is not your source. The problem is that the argument you attempt to make does not follow from the information provided in that source.

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