/r/blackladies is upset at the lack of Purge, creates subreddit to document incidences of brigading and harassment from racist subs

I was not part of GRC a year ago, but I don't think those links are say GRC was brigading 4Chan. How do you even brigade 4Chan? There's no voting or anything over there as far as I know.

It doesn't seem like anything they'd do. The only time I remember doing anything you might be upset about was when that guy was going to Colorado and giving out magazines. We wondered if we had enough people in Colorado to counterprotest. That's literally the only time we've done that.

I had a like/hate relationship with Townsley. In fact I'll just go ahead and say he has been a huge dick to me in the past. There's a reason I don't have anything to do with that subreddit anymore, and it's not because of gun politics. But having said that, there are a lot of lies spread about him. One thing he would never do was anything that would put GRC in jeopardy of being banned. I once posted something in modmail that was misconstrued or something and he got super pissed at me. I eventually tired of the drama with him and left. But speaking about my time there:

We never raided anything. We never brigaded anything. We never doxxed or threatened to dox anybody. We were on the receiving end of all of that, though.

I'll tell you what I am personally "guilty" of, because I don't care:

Late at night when I was bored I would look sort politics and news by "new" and downvote pro-gun bullshit, mostly about so-called DGU's. But you know what, somebody on your side of the issue always did the same thing but with upvotes. Anyway, there's nothing in the rules about me as an individual doing that. In fact I still do it now and then. We were never acting in concert on that. You can take it to the admins if you want. They'll have ways to know.

Oh and another thing I did that you would hate was I got close to someone on your side of things. It was all spy movie like. I tried to be his friend to find out if he knew where the dox was coming from. And I did that on my own because I was being doxed and was pretty angry about it.

So there. I've come clean with all my sins. But GRC isn't the devil you think they are. While I was there they never did any of the things they were often accused of, and I really doubt anything has changed.

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