Rant or rave? Tell us about your weekend!

So the last few women I‘ve dated where somehow avoidants. They showed some sort of interest in the beginning but it kind of faded and I always thought I could fight for their love, which was stupid - I know.

After another heartbreak I focused on myself and am now 90 % happy being Single. There are some days I feel kind of lonely but I learned to love myself during these last few months.

I’ve now met a woman (F29) who was really open from the beginning. She told me about her problems, wishes in life and her friends & family. We kissed on the first and second date and I really enjoyed spending time with her.

Our third date is coming up and she texts me everyday and also told me that she talked with friends about me. My question is now: Is that a „normal“ behavior of a woman, who is really into someone?

Most of my life I‘ve chased after woman. This feels kind of weird to have someone really digging me even if we have only met twice. So is this a red flag or fine?

/r/datingoverthirty Thread