Rape charges against 4 California dentists dismissed after video contradicts woman's story

She wasn't "caught lying."

From earlier this year:

She met a man who identified himself as Ali and they began drinking at a bar behind the pool.
In the report, she states that Ali said he had more alcohol in his room and invited her there to continue drinking.
The report says the three other suspects eventually entered the room and forced he to have sex. She said she resisted, but was too intoxicated and too overwhelmed by the number of people attacking to prevent the attacks.
She begged for them to stop, the report says, and eventually she was allowed to gather her clothes and got dressed. She took the elevator down and met her friend.
They reported the assault to police and she went to UMC where a sexual assault nurses examination was conducted and the results confirmed her story.

I am uncertain how any video could refute this claim. She reported immediately after the event, and underwent a rape examination which confirmed she was raped. Did the video suggest other men raped her and this was a case of mistaken identity? Was the video taken of her during the act (without her knowledge - which would be a different crime)? Did the video show her leaving the room with the accused men (even that wouldn't prove the rape didn't occur - because fawning is a common, effective, and safe method of dealing with an abuser - but it would make her look unreliable because she said she left alone)? Is there a video of her verbally consenting to being gang-banged by him and 3 brothers? What is this woman's motive for falsely accusing these men? It was a criminal case, not a civil one - therefore there was no potential monetary incentive for falsely accusing them of rape. Does she have a mental illness or drug addiction of some sort, and hallucinated the assault?

My point is, this doesn't prove that she wasn't raped, just that there wasn't enough evidence to prove the men raped her. The claim "After a review of the facts of the case, it was clear that the allegations were completely fabricated," was not made by a neutral party, but the very wealthy men's lawyer. And this is why victims do not report. She is cast as a liar, because the system is so ill-equipped for rape/sexual assault cases.

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