Rapidstar's Video Review: CLG vs TL

I have to be honest, this is beyond most of what I usually see about League Analysis on LCS and more!

What I usually see in the LCS or other analysis videos are: -Item Builds -Rotations -Banning (x) player's most played or most comfortable champ -His goddamn history (x years in the LCS, scores from previous split, x player's record on x champ, etc)

What's unique about this is that are: -Champ selects' detailed explanation: sadly what I usually see and read online are just "this is a poke" comp or "protect the X" comp, and even "fuck the ADC" comp. But what saddens me about other guides is the lack of information attached to it, like its weaknesses, and difference between champs that still supplement the role. At first I was like: "Damn! Its one of DLifts successful champ: Sivir" and "ohmygod its Link's Devastating Ez!", man this is gonna be a win for sure! But saying in advance that CLG's "2 AD" team needs to have sustained damage, and added with TL's own previous 2 AD comp 2 games before it, with a specific champ that still hits teams despite range deficiency like: Corki-Kog'maw and Graves-Urgod have heavy burst damage types and still deal tons of damage even at the back line. Also (explained in the video) Corki-Kog'maw gets huge power spikes after getting Trinity Force vs Sivir and Ez which needs items to be relevant, from a person like me who doesnt have deep understanding of team comps -this makes a HUGE sense item-wise.

-The importance of Summoners Spells: the thought that "Ignite can counter a Vlad? come-on! You only take Ignite to an all tank team comp. Pfft! It cant be!?" Until the failed gank on mid happened. I mean. Yes, I know that ignite deals damage and also reduces healing. But it really makes sense that its a MUST Summoner skills against certain champs, no wonder Xpecial took ignite whenever there is Vlad.

-Importance of Level gaps: I never had thought that gaps played a huge role on this(G3 CLG vs TL) game. I've always firmly believed that if you had your necessary Items and your with your team with ready Ults, you'll be fine. But this is just a huge eye opener.

-Items: From the video itself, level gaps are bad already while having item deficiency is probably worse. TL having 2 champs(Corki-Kog) that gets huge power spike with trinity force, is really advance thinking. Come to think of it, the expanding champ numbers that RIOT is pouring out for us makes me think of the potentials and impacts of certain champs along with the knowledge of their power spikes! Team comps with never be the same!

-Champ Death: One thing I learned from solo queue is that "if someone from the enemy dies, shove their lane". Xpecial(Idol <3) went to place wards deep inside the jungle, which in the long run made them play safe against planned ganks from Xmithie, rendering him infective to certain amount of time and has to farm instead. His whereabouts took a lot of precious map pressure that CLG really needed.

So what I understand so far: Champ select + Summoner Spells + Level Gaps + Map Pressure + Items + Proper Rotations + External Pressure(Win at all cost mentality, Fan pressure, emotional pressure, dwindling confidence, etc...) = the outcome of the game.

So... this is usually why some off-meta team comps works well against Meta team comps. Be it "x" player on preferred champ, "this is the meta" team comp, A really behind team won a team fight. It really depends! Its really not set on stone for example: The last time I've read in here that there are only 2 or 3 players who actually defeated Bjergsen's Zed, someone with a high caliber mechanic can only face it. But a few days ago Keane's Urgod won a game against it. Soon after Bjerg picked up Urgod. Hands down, every LCS player is really good. Its just that no x player on a x champ will ever be untouchable.

Looking this as a whole, one cant take enough of it to apply this in their games to gain advantage over their enemy. I have to say I'm really enlightened. I thank you a lot, Rapidstar. I hope to see more from you, but for now... Liked and Subscribed.

P.S. to the readers. English aint my first language so bare with me. Also, Im sorry for being such a noob about this. This may sound repetitive and down-right obvious to higher tiers of the ladder but for someone who just got to Gold-V. This is a new thing... hehe. Have to go to bed now, its 12 in the mid-night and I have an job interview at 8AM. lol

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