I realized this the other day and immediately felt like shit

To play devils advocate here; what if the wedding party was set for a reason? People are odd and can come up with a plethora of "designs" for a wedding. ie. Height of the party, different colors of hair, who can hook up with who (bridesmaids and groomsmen), etc.

If someone is surrounded by good friends, and are faced with the difficult decision of "cutting someone out", it would be tough to set the bar. But someone is getting the cut, no matter.

The fact they are asking for help in things is also possibly a way to include more people. And bonus, you get to hang out with the wedding party more! No one can have anything bad to say about someone who willingly supports and helps, but what you suggest is very unfriendly, and can lead to less friendly moments with the rest of the wedding party in the future.

Quick example; was the best man in a wedding, one of the bridesmaids threw a fit because she wasn't maid of honor, and well, that basically cut her out of the friendship circle (Bride chose her own sister; the girl was then asked not to attend the wedding). Drama can only lead to more drama. But love and support doesn't usually go un-noticed.

One more ex: I could have been best man at another wedding, but the groom chose his brother. His brother was...incompetant to say the least. I accepted it, and when it was all said and done, I basically was the best man for all the work I put in to help plan, organize, help drive, move things, and even ensure the groom was on time and sober. His brother slept in. What I got for it was nothing but praise and appreciation, and that alone was worth it. He's one of my best friends, and that was the happiest day of his life; who would I be to be a stick in the mud and pout about made up honors?

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com