Is it reasonable to wait until further weight loss to start HRT?

Well, if you were FTM, I'd say go for it, since T actually helps you lose weight/gain muscle. But since you're MTF, it'll do the opposite. Girls are more plushy and squishy from fat and cushioning, so expect to gain weight and curves and keep it on E, while on T, you look for the opposite.

That's why it's so easy for trans guys to get in shape, but harder for trans girls. Because guys can lose weight easily and girls have a harder time. Girls actually have a specialized fat that's specifically pesky to get rid of, I just can't remember what it's called.

All in all, I'd suggest try losing more weight until you feel comfortable and normalized. Because as soon as you start HRT it'll go wonky again and fluctuate and you'll gain more weight from puberty and E.

/r/asktransgender Thread