The Red Pill teaches men to blame themselves for all of their problems.

In those shows, those women are mostly submissive, cook, clean, and are generally nice people. You don't think women can pick up that men like that?

Not all men do like that. Regardless, the problem is, she may have been doing those things anyway, but still not fucking him. So when they inevitably break up/divorce, she might be thrown for a loop because she thought she was doing everything she was supposed to but really the only thing she needed to be doing to keep him happy was consistently fucking him.

You are making a lot of jumps.

Yeah I was, sorry. Could have worded that better.

Anyways, don't you think by the 3rd or 4th failed attempt at a relationship through sex, she would have figured out that men want more than just sex?

Maaaaybe she has an inkling, but didn't want to believe it, thinks Surely men aren't that shallow. Maybe she figures there's a piece of the puzzle missing that she hasn't figured out yet. Does she need to be more submissive? Cook him more meals? Because women don't need consistent sex to be happy in a relationship (I mean not biologically), a majority of them don't realize the importance of sex to a relationship for a man. They just don't realize that the only missing ingredient is sex, even if he tells her over and over, because they think he's just trying to get his rocks off. They don't see it as a connection of love and intimacy. So they refuse to believe that that really is all they need to be doing. They think he "only wants her for sex" (I mean, it's true though) and that "love should go deeper" but maybe if men helped her understand why sex is so important it would open her eyes. So instead she keeps looking for that one behavior that will make him happy that isn't sex.

It's like there's a cognitive dissonance in their brains that they know sex is important to men, but just can't see, or don't want to believe, that it really is literally, the most important thing. Say what you want about men wanting certain "types" of women but the reality of life is, if a man has a woman he's attracted to, and is you know, not a total bitch and he likes being around her, and she sleeps with him regularly, he's honestly going to be pretty much 100% happy. The other positive stuff she does is just a bonus he will gladly take (cooking, cleaning, whatever), and if she does any mooderately negative stuff (asks him to do a chore or two here and there, or you know, requests his undivided attention on occasion), he is more likely to just do it and honestly not be bothered. Even be happy about it. Because it makes her happy. And she makes him happy. But if the sex stops, that all stops. Because then she's just a roommate. You don't do those things for a roommate.

Also, one of the main reason women get trapped in the CC isn't because "they don't know what men want," it is because they are banging guys out of their league and they don't even know it. 6/10 girls get this idea that because they are banging 8/10 guys, that these guys are on their level. When it actuality, these guys are looking for relationships with 8/10s, but they are willing to bang 6/10s in the mean time.

I don't really have anything to say one way or the other about that.

I don't care if you have empathy for men or if you feel sorry for how "unfair" their life is. I don't care or want anything from you other than to be intellectually honest. I'm just here to debate and figure out the truth. You probably have more empathy for men than I do anyways.

I guess I just don't understand why you included it then if it wasn't looking for empathy or sorrow.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread