Release Schedule

I hope manga panda will pick this up....

Rooting for more illegal competition is one of the worst things you could do. I'm ashamed of breathing the same internet air as you. Not trying to offend you in any way though. I don't know you personally so I can't comment on who you are as a person, I can only say that that first phrase really makes me shiver as a fan of Horikoshi-sensei and his work on MHA.

Sorry FA, I LOVE your work, and I'm very grateful for all the chapters you've done so far, but ...

This isn't an attempt to gain monopoly since that'd be stupid because raws are available for practically anyone nowadays after a certain day. With that being said, the earliest raws are still only available to certain manga groups which is also a big entry barrier to smaller groups making it impossible to compete fast enough if they don't have the same contacts in the raw scans scene. Competition is good, in regular cases, but competing with speed isn't the only way, how about competing with quality? Wouldn't you rather wait two extra days and know that your beloved illegal scanlation is bringing out the best quality translation they could've brought with, hopefully, a chapter with no mistakes due to time restraints? There's been so many countless times that I saw people argue about a certain chapter based on mistakes in the chapter's release because of the speedscanners. Wouldn't you rather read a chapter the way it's supposed to be read, with puns where the Japanese text put one in etc., something you can only achieve when you put enough time into a translation? If you want proof of how much difference time and quality translation can do to a manga, go read any scanlator's One Piece scans and compare it to Viz's version of One Piece and be amazed at how much enjoyment you've missed from supporting speed scans.

Look, there are two ways that this manga is heading to. Either it is getting smaller and will eventually get canceled and in this case this whole thing is pointless...

So, let's say for argument's sake it does get smaller and cancelled eventually. Would all of this have really been pointless? Obviously not, because if you'd seen the reactions to other threads on this and other subreddits, you'd know that some people got a Viz subscription when they started releasing on the same day as Viz (and got to test the english Jump thanks to the free issues) a while ago. If it gets bigger instead, again, groups with no connections to the earliest raws (the ones you actually have to make effort to get your hands on) won't be able to compete anyway, and groups that do will only compete if their translator is interested in the series enough to do a translation for it. Unless they're mangapanda, the only speed-scanlation group (that I can think of) that pays their staff to release chapters on a weekly basis instead of doing it just for the sake of having more people who can't read Japanese enjoy the series with them. The fact that you're regularly checking Masterpiece's site doesn't prove anything other than you being either OCD or more impatient than a child who doesn't believe that Santa won't be bringing presents before he/she wakes up the next morning. Or you're just saying you do in the hopes that that'll make F.A. change their mind and release sooner after all.

Besides, waiting if absoloutly pointless. Either one has the money and the access to buy VIZ's translation in which case they will. or they don't in which case they won't.

Ibid. You're basing your idea on a perfect world where all people interested in Jump series in the U.S.A., U.K., Australia,… have a subscription to Viz's english Jump while in reality scanlations apparently do play a big role in discouraging people to subscribe to the english Jump (maybe because you do or because you assume others do). This is either because they release earlier than the official source because they get their hands on earlier scans so "Why should I pay for the official source?", or they're just so used to reading from a certain scanlation group they never bothered finding another way to read the manga thus not knowing that an official release also started. A plausible situation for a series like MHA that just started to be released officially a few weeks ago.

Releasing with VIZ is pointless because I still have the choice to just ignore VIZ and read your translation. Releasing after VIZ is also pointless because then VIZ's translation will be scanned and pirated...

Again, I feel like a broken record here but competing with Viz isn't the goal here. The goal is to bring a series like My Hero Academia out to people who 1) either don't live in Japan and/or 2) don't know Japanese and/or 3) have no access to Viz's Jump because of geographical restrictions (i.e. not living in a country that offers english Jump yet), not to give people with the good fortune of having at least one of those three conditions apply to them a way out of having to purchase the official volumes while the author whose manga they read via illegal ways is working his a** off to make the series as enjoyable as possible. So no, a fan sub (what you mean is a scanlation group, fan subs is a term appropriated by the illegal anime distribution sector) isn't pointless if it's not releasing earlier than the official scans because it's still fulfilling its role of bring a certain manga to the people who have absolutely no other way of accessing it otherwise and, as was the case for MHA, to help the fanbase of a certain series grow so official sources would see that there is a genuine interest in said series so they can finally go and license and release it officially. If another group does end up "competing" via speed rather than quality, and by doing so purposefully be the cause of the artist losing money, then I'm sure F.A. will handle it as they see fit, that's their decision. But arguing that scanlations timed with the official releases is pointless, is idiotic and ignorant and shows an obvious lack of reality on your part. If you need more proof of just how much impact English speedscans have on the manga market, just go read some of 2ch's threads about Jump's manga series. Even some Japanese users on there have admitted to reading the English chapter thus not bothering to even buy the magazine when it comes out. The fact that this subreddit is not allowing any posts other than F.A. and Viz's chapter releases doesn't show that it's censoring people either, just that it is supporting the official release by waiting for Viz to release as is the F.A. weekly chapter release. I'm sure that if any other group would comply to the same reasonable amount of restraint for the sake of promoting the manga industry instead of ignoring it in hopes of gaining more "e-peen" I believe you youngsters call it, by releasing a day or two earlier while also churning out more translation and spelling mistakes than a first grader, they'd also be linked to in the weekly threads. I'm sure you could also continue to participate in the weekly chapter threads reading a group other than F.A. or Viz that did release earlier than them thanks to illegally obtained raws, but you'll have to wait until the thread is posted.

May I also add that I didn't name-call you, I only showed my dissatisfaction towards your opinions, but they're your opinions, and you have a right to your own, and I'm sure that whatever I tell you won't make you change your mind. Anyway, I don't think I've got anything else to add, so while you could reply to me, I'd advise you not to waste your time since I probably won't get further into this discussion.

/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia Thread