Republican Nightmares Coming True As Hillary Clinton Leads Trump In Red State Georgia; In a four-way race, Clinton led Trump 41-38, followed by Libertarian Gary Johnson with 11 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein with 2 percent.

A new poll of Georgia shows that the worst fears of the Republican Party are coming true as Hillary Clinton could turn Georgia blue for the first time since 1992.

The poll released Friday shows Clinton at 44 percent and Trump at 40 percent in a head-to-head matchup, within the poll’s margin of error. It is the latest showing a close race between the two candidates in Georgia, a state that has voted for the GOP nominee since 1996.

The reason why Clinton is winning in Georgia is that she is leading with both Independent and undecided voters in the state. Gary Johnson’s support in Georgia has gone from 1% in 2012 to 11% in 2016, but Johnson isn’t the GOP’s biggest problem in Georgia.

Just like in every other state where Clinton is leading, the problem for Georgia Republicans is Donald Trump. The Independents and undecideds in the state are breaking for Clinton, because of Trump.

The worst nightmare of the Republican Party isn’t that Donald Trump loses, but that he allows Democrats to break their Southern stronghold. Georgia’s changing demographics make it potentially fertile territory for the Democratic message. Donald Trump’s candidacy is accelerating the shift in Georgia.

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