Response to Destiny's view on punching nazis

I feel like you didn't read my post. The point wasn't solely that they're racist, it was that there are a multitude of things which all point in the same direction. A perfect storm.

At the same time if you're not being sarcastic then you could at least make an argument for what you're saying. I think the question is, "how bad is calling for a genocide". Obviously, a genocide itself is terrible beyond comprehension. Next giving explicit instructions when and where to commit violence is illegal (I believe) and it is terrible as well. However, how bad is calling for it or suggesting in in a nonspecific way? I think it's awful but I'm not sure what the exact proportional punishment is. I'm sure that punching is not too much. But at the same time I think you need to take into account the actual impact that call will have on people, and you also have to take into account how your actions will be perceived by people and how they will impact the movement you are fighting against. I've lived a life very close to white on black racism in family and friends. I haven't experienced or heard anything to convince me that black on white racism is as strong or dangerous to the country. But ignoring context and analyzing them in a vacuum, yes both are just as bad/dangerous.

/r/Destiny Thread Parent