Rich Gang Scandal (nude photos & sexual harrassment)

The post...

So, that just happened today. Rich Gang, a team that has gained popularity through their dank memes, e-thuggery and ghetto spelling, have engaged in some really shady shenanigans this morning. After having one of their players banned for 7 weeks, they went ahead and posted nudes of a female OCE streamer - on their official account. On top of that, they (and their players) have been crossing boundaries sexually harrassing several girls (including friends of mine) on social media, saying things like "i wish you had nudes that were leaked", "i want to finger you" and just perpetually persisting in their approach. I tweeted them about this (, the thread there is just one example of their behavior today. I also reached out to Nick Allen this morning, thankfully he was cooperative as you can see here: I've documented lots of incriminating evidence (screenshots of the team, their players' shenanigans), and i got the girls to reach out to Nick Allen with their version of events aswell as their set of evidence. But, suffice to say, if you just go to their Twitter ( you can see what kind of tweets they've been pumping out today. They're aware i've been actively monitoring the situation all day, and even tweeted me calling me a "genuine loser". This has been going on all day, so they can't really claim they were 'hacked'; because nobody came out and stated they lost control of their account or something. It's clear that Rich Gang are crossing all boundaries in a final desperate attempt to gain a following of people that find this sort of behavior to be "cool". The only reason i'm posting this on Reddit now is to report on the matter. I want to raise awareness that this actually happened, so that moving forward, whatever happens, people can actually refer back to this. Please understand that i can't share all evidence for privacy reasons, but i can send it to the mods if necessary. Until then, though, there's seriously enough evidence lying around on our Twitter feeds. I will carry on monitoring the situation and will keep you posted. EDIT #1: Just to be clear, the nudes and the sexual harrassment topics are completely different issues with completely different girls. EDIT #2: People are changing the topic into a debate over whether the nudes were leaked or publicly available. I reached out to that girl in question for a statement, but she didn't want to co-operate. That's why literally all i said on the matter was that they shared nudes of someone. Are you seriously going to tell me it's acceptable for professional teams to post nudes on their official social media accounts? Also, the story isn't just about those nudes. They have been sexually harrassing several females all day and i did forward the evidence to Riot. Even though most of it is still out there on Twitter if you check the feeds of their players. EDIT #3: Correction for people somehow assuming i'm getting into something between that girl and Riot. I can confirm to you, that as of this moment, there still hasn't been a conversation between her and Riot. I'm the only person to have cooperated with Riot on this so far. Nick Allen seems to be away at the moment. Again i stress that this is much bigger than just about that one girl's nudes. All evidence was sent to Riot.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread