Your top comment is first thing you say in a job interview, how does it go?


While the rest of my family opened gifts I sat nearby watching them open gifts. I eventually went back to bed when I realized I had been forgotten about. This was when I was about 12 Years old. I made myself a Christmas card that I opened later that night.

I come from a family of 5 kids and my aunts and uncles were down for the holidays along with my grandparents.


This kinda blew up, it was intentional as far as i know my mother at the time was not a nice person. My dad spend every day that i can remember working to provide for our family so i only saw him on Sundays and even then he was too tired to do anything with us because he was always working.

I was the middle of 5 kids at home so the attention that I got was usually negative attention from my mom. I learned later that my grandma on my dad's side would send presents every year for all the kids and that my mom relabelled all of the gifts for my siblings.

Also thanks for the gold it's my first and favorite.

Another edit:

I was the middle child a couple years apart from the others on both sides of me. I didn't really stand out or get into trouble. I remember that having a C average in school was ok for all the others but for me to get noticed I had to do better than the rest I maintained an A average for the first two years of high school while playing a sport just to get something but even then it didn't get much better.

I ended up slacking off and failing most of school until I met my favorite English teacher, he helped me enjoy class and reading so I managed to pull it together and graduate high school. I was the first to graduate High school in my family and my dad was the only one at my graduation but he had to leave early because of work.

That's pretty much most of high school and middle school for me so i appreciate anyone who is still reading this i hope i answered all of your questions. If you have any more questions go ahead and ask I'll answer the best i can."

/r/AskReddit Thread