They say running is easy, it's the leaving that's hard... It's so true. I'm 32, in an abusive relationship and don't know what to do. Desperately need advice.

Hoosier woman here and I want to help. What's your Venmo?

Congratulations on leaving, now please stay gone! Abusers don't change. Ever. She's going to gaslight you, lie all over social media, love bomb you, stalk you and try to drive you insane, but hold firm.

Change all passwords, change phone number, don't tell her where you are, when you do communicate get a burner or another temp number, close all your social media accounts for now, you don't need to see the garbage she's writing. And please write down all her abuses to remind yourself why you're leaving. The brain plays funny tricks and makes you question your memories, so document them so you keep yourself straight.

Good luck and please keep yourself safe. My cousin was murdered when she left her husband. They act nice to get you somewhere or to see you, so don't do it! Abusers lose their shit when you take away their control, please please don't let your guard down.

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