[S5/AFFC][THEORY] Is this the year Lena Headey sweeps the awards season?

I don't think so, perhaps a nomination, but I don't see Game of Thrones winning a major award this year.

People were all like, "Peter deserved an Emmy for the trial outburst", but I really don't feel like his performance in season 4 was Emmy worthy. Season 2? Absolutely, he deservedly won that, but I think a lot of the times we get too caught up in the fact that we love this show, and we have a bias because of it.

The acting is often terrific, don't get me wrong, but there are so many other great perfomances on shows I've never watched and some I've never even heard of. I really did think Pedro Pascal would be nominated last year, but I think that goes to show my bias towards the show- In my eyes, he was the best of the season, in the show I consider the best on TV, therefore I felt he was Emmy-worthy. That isn't necessarily the case in actuality.

Though we all have our own biases towards the show, I think another kicker is that there is also a bias against fantasy in these awards, as George has pointed out himself. "A movie/show with swords, castles and magic winning awards? Please.", is seemingly the outlook of many of the academies and associations involved with selecting winners. There is a bias towards fantasy and superheroes and things of that nature, and they'll only win on truly remarkable circumstances, (Heath Ledger for his incredible performance, but also no doubt aided by the 'beautiful story' of his death; and The Return of the King for being an undeniable masterpiece of cinema, for example).

I think Lena is incredible on the show. I think Peter is incredible. I think Conleth, Pedro, Sean and Charles are all incredible. However, I am incredibly biased about this show, and though I would love to see them receive accolades for their roles, in reality I just don't see it happening. Perhaps if there isn't a strong showing in TV this year, someone like Peter might be able to nab one, but apart from him, I feel the rest are a shot in the dark.

/r/gameofthrones Thread