The same sex marriage debate in a nutshell

Not trolling, it's real: I want all the perks of maternity leave — without having any kids

Meghann Foye has never had a kid, but believes childless women are entitled to a "meternity" leave of their own to reflect on their lives.

Foye, 38, was jealous of co-workers clocking out for maternity leave, and decided she needed a break of her own...she believes every woman deserves mandated “me time.”

The argument is that paid parental leave is discrimination against the childless:

Maternity and paternity leave is routinely given to parents of newborn children, but other employees are seldom if ever offered an equal amount of time off for endeavors that are, to them, of equal value.

If man and woman is not a uniquely privileged union, why should parenting be a uniquely privileged lifestyle choice? If M/M and F/F are equally valid unions that are entitled to the same financial subsidy as marriage (which was originally for the purpose of procreation), why shouldn't "me time" be an equally valid lifestyle choice that is entitled to the same financial subsidy as paid parental leave (which was originally for the purpose of recovering from childbirth and caring for the newborn child)?

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