Sanders and Cruz CNN Town Hall Debate Discussion

No one is "entitled" to it by the basic laws of human nature. . . . But they are our rights as citizens of this nation. It is our right to have our needs met. For shelter, for transport, for food, and yes, for health. It is our right, not just as citizens of this nation, but the right of every human being in the world to want their basic needs for survival met. And it is our right, as citizens, to want our needs met in the most affordable & efficient way possible. . . . Do not confuse citizens rights for your two-hundred year old doctrine governing a time when healthcare didn't exist.


I don't think you know what a "right" is. The fact that you want something doesn't mean you have a right to it.

And no, there is no "right to have our needs met." That doesn't even make sense. There is absolutely no right to have our needs met "in the most affordable and efficient way possible." Again, that doesn't even make sense.

And do you really think there was no healthcare 200 years ago? Are doctors a modern invention?

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