In the second half of its financial year, and since changing its name from Weight Watchers to WW, the company has dropped 600,000 subscribers.

"Grossman’s pay package, on an annualized basis, was 5,908 times more than the $6,013 earned by Weight Watchers’s median employee, giving the company what might be the highest CEO pay ratio ever reported. The number is so big because of...the firm’s reliance on part-time workers. The median employee worked 10.7 hours a week on average in 2017, according to the filing."

Hmm. $33.4 million year 1 pay package for their CEO last year. How's that working out. She won't face one single consequence for train wrecking the company either. She'll get "fired" -- of course, with millions and millions of dollars in severance package -- and buy another vacation home.

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