[Serious] Redditors who don't talk to a sibling anymore - what happened?

My brother is a misogynistic, racist drug addict and a financial parasite that keeps talking shit about my mother that she's a horrible person and everything that's gone wrong in his life is her fault. He tries to reach out to me every once in a while, but every interaction with him is an unpleasant one: he will flip his shit over the smallest things and only wants to use you as a wailing wall to complain about everything and everyone. I never initiate talking, but I'll still see him during family related things, once or twice a year.

Last time we were at a family gathering and started complaining again he doesn't hear much from me and I should answer my damn phone. Mind, everyone in my family knows I dislike calling and they can just send me a message on FB if they want to casually chat, unless it's an emergency. I don't have time to be on the phone longer than a few minutes. But every time he calls, he forces me to listen to him rant for more than one hour so I stopped answering his calls. So when he went "pick up your phone next time I call!" I just said "nope" and he went "OK I'm deleting you from my contacts!", I said "go ahead".

Haven't heard from him since. Can't say I miss his presence in my life.

/r/AskReddit Thread