(Serious) What was the moment with your ex SO that made you think, "I can't do this for the rest of my life"?

I’m currently having that moment with my current girlfriend so I don’t know if this counts. My current SO is just a very selfish individual. We’ve had our ups and downs these past few years and the last few months have been better than usual. Unfortunately she’s been angry with me because I don’t buy her gifts. She told me that she needs gifts from me so she can know that I do think about her. I’m not an unloving individual. I constantly tell her how much I love her and that I’m thinking about her. Yet, that’s not enough. On top of that she told me last night that she’s not that attracted to me. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she told me she regrets not pursuing some guy she had a crush on two years ago. I’ve had enough so I’m calling it quits when I see her this weekend. I’ve had enough heartbreak from her. I tried to constantly keep the relationship from failing but there’s nothing to salvage anymore.

/r/AskReddit Thread