Should I continue my degree or stop now?

Now that you have your associates in CS, can you get a job with tuition assistance, that can help pay your bachelor's?

I would advocate going to school and getting as many advanced degrees and certifications as possible, **as long as*" you can pay for it concurrently and not dig yourself further into debt.

Get a job, pay off your current debt, and then continue if you can pay as you go (or incurring as minimal debt as you can.)

Also, find out if your community College has a partnership with a university or college. My local CC has a partnership with a state college that allows you to continue on in a bachelor's program on the cc campus.

Lastly, as a CS with an associates, you're going to lose out on job bids to CSs with a bachelor. If you live in an area with lots of job opportunities, keep plugging away. You'll be offered bottom of the barrel jobs, but that's fine, as long as can pay your expenses (car, loans, etc.) and get tuition assistance. Your goal, for now, is to get a job, and get that BS in CS.

This approach will also help start populating your resume, and give you real life experience that will help make decisions, down the road, about your career. You may end up hating CS, or you may find areas of specialty that you enjoy and want to pursue.

Good luck.

/r/personalfinance Thread