Should I be worried about my low metabolism?

Hello and OH MY GOD! I am 19, female, 163cm, my starting weight on December 2019 was 90kg, was in such a bad mental state when I started and also only drink coffee and water and the occasional diet soda. I just wanna hug you so bad since I know what you feel right now!

I just want to tell you, you gotta be strong. The temptation to go back to your old ways is gonna be HUGE, and if you struggle with binging like I do, it's going to be EXTRA hard.

I started by just changing some habits like not drinking calories, removing bread, cutting my portions by half and walking, so I could get used to the lifestyle. Mid-February I've decided to start the real thing and limited my intake to 1200kcal, and counted every single thing I put into my mouth. I am 75kg now, I've hit this plateau the week before, but it's okay, it happens. Since we are so similar, I hope you can take something from my experience!

Don't go too hard on yourself. We make mistakes sometime. Love yourself to the point you want to change yourself to the better. Stay strong!

/r/loseit Thread