This shouldn’t be a debate.

What an emotional pile of bullshit. Calm down Blanche, you’re hallucinating.

Abortion absolutely is a constitutional right. That is what Roe v Wade establishes. Under the 14th amendment, the government does not have the right to medically seize control of your body. Period. End of story. Settled since the 70’s.

It’s not right vs wrong, it’s ideologically driven assholes trying to force their religious morality onto people that don’t share it. It’s authoritarianism. It’s oppression.

The people of the states have not “finally had enough of this librul bullshit” lol in your FOX news fever dreams. 78% of the country supports abortion rights.

YOU are the minority. The loud, stupid, angry, scientifically illiterate minority of big government wannabe thought police. You are never going to get your way. Ever. Deal with it.

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