Sibling sexual abuse - a nightmare

Sorry, but have you read the OP's post history?

How can i tell my stepson to go away Essentially OP is saying the her step son creep her guests out because he sits there in front of them and listens to her conversations.

I think OP really does have it in for her stepson and is using any excuse to give her a "legitimate" reason to do so.

"I can't do it. I can not be SS's babysitter all summer."

DH is afraid to tell them since they all think that SS is god's gift to mankind and twist everything we do that SS doesn't like (like chores, responsibilities, etc) into some offense against SS

I want SS out of my house and away from my children.

Oh, BTW, the therapist said to give SS an easy out - a la "some kids do things when they're curious and if that's why you did..etc." essentially relieving him of any blame. I told DH that was BS. Maybe if SS was 7 years old - HE'S 13.

13 year old kids are not stupid, he would know OP doesn't like him. Also her step son seems to have gone through some shit too.

All OP has got to go on is her daughter saying that her step brother pinched her between the legs. Mummy made/is making a big deal about it so her daughter may have started to feed off it. I see my daughter do that all the time (saying something silly that is completely made up that elicits a response from us, then continues it to keep getting a response).

That's all. And yet because of this OP has begun treating her step son like a criminal.

All you're doing is justifying to OP that her massive overreaction is called for and she is right to now just downright hate her step son instead of secretly hating him.

Now, i am only going by the available evidence at hand. If OP has left out damning evidence then all bets are off and she needs to protect her daughter. But i'm just not seeing it right ow and i actually feel quite bad for her stepson and husband.

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