A simple breakdown for all the "Americans" out there asking me why a private place like McDonalds can kick you out for spewing racial slurs, but cannot choose to kick people out based on their race. Learn the Constitution before you hide behind it racists

If one person reads this and learns that it's retarded to say "I have a 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech!" Then I will be happy.

Too many people hide behind this idea thinking that it's some all-encompassing right when we spent the better part of 10 weeks in Law School learning all of the exceptions to the right to free speech. There are too many exceptions to this right for the average American to go around talking nonsense and thinking they have some protection. You don't 14 year olds.

I wish everyone had to take 1 semester of Law School Constitutional Law so they can stop saying what their rights are and what aren't. People, please read District of Columbia v. Heller if you want to know how your precious 2nd Amendment laws came to be. It literally took Justice Scalia reading the rights of hunting/sport into the 2nd Amendment for this right to become the way it is now. Up until the 90's there was no absolute 2nd Amendment right like there is now, and even Scalia's definition sounds like he pulled it out of his ass.

He read the line "For the purpose of Militia, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed" to have absolutely nothing to do with Militia, like the founding fathers wrote that when they were high, and he read into that line that sports/hunting uses of guns are fine, but the use of bazookas/tanks isn't fine.

Really? Really? Yeah, your founding fathers didn't do shit, Justice Scalia gave you those rights and your First Amendment rights have dwindled severely, so learn the law before you quote it like George Washington shat it out in some easy to understand format. Our Bill of Rights are changable and have changed drastically since the founding, so please, read Heller if you haven't and enlighten yourself on how the interpretation of our laws changes everyday and your hiding behind the Constitution is laughable as the Constitution is just a changing guideline not set in stone.

Sorry to give this response to you, just had to put this out there for the 14 year olds you mentioned.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com