Solar and Wind Force Poverty on Africa

"globe is fucked because of the wealthiest nations, the poorest are victims."

Only true in terms of "justice," not in terms of ecology. The footprint of wealthy developed nations was *already unsustainable," beyond what the finite systems of planet Earth could support. Now the undeveloped nations have doubled down on fossil fuel development because they too aspire to that same level of consumption and wealth.

From a matter of justice and equity, of course poor nations deserve the same as wealthy ones! But from a matter of climate change, ideals like equity and per-capita consumption are utterly meaningless.

The biosphere doesn't care who contributes more emissions; all that matters in terms of climate change is more emissions being added to the global total accumulated since the start of the Industrial Revolution.

The addition of more nations with unsustainable consumer lifestyles and the associated emissions is enough to send the biosphere into 3C and beyond.

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