Solidarity and Recognition

This is a discussion about Baltimore and those who loved Freddie Gray. I know you disagree and I'm sorry you do, but I wrote what I did for those in Baltimore who relate and understand what is written.

I know you may be afraid and hurt and I do not want that for you, but this isn't about me or you. It's the acceptance of racial impoverishment and the resort to militarization when all else fails that both you and I condone by not holding our police, judges, and legislatures in check. I don't want to be dishonest, I don't actually see them as mine, and I personally stay away from them, but I'm trying to get on your level because you want to be close to them.

You can read what I wrote as "inflame the response of the city" because the city looks bad and my post is not in solidarity with 'the city" buts it is because of the city that it looks bad first and foremost.

How? It's always about money. And when a city cannot pacify enough people with money, it uses force. I'm not excusing violence or blaming the city. I'm saying, I recognize it is my responsibility to understand the dynamics of the situation and I will not let the city try to reframe the issue.

I'm really sorry for Gray's family to have to witness the anger and vengefulness people expressed after the funeral of their son and brother, but the deeper issue is still being scapegoated by framing it as "youths with no agenda". It wasn't just youths first of all and even if it was the "agenda" is that they are not afraid consequences. I do not and cannot speak for them but if I am afraid of my neighbors and the police, what exactly do I have to lose?

I just do not see how foregoing the order and responsibility that I owe to my neighbor for years by not holding my government responsible is somehow resolved by a military display of order and a weapons of cruelty. To me it is saying, "We couldn't protect ourselves in solidarity so now we will allow a third party to intervene by force to pacify us."

Where's the army of teachers? Where's the army of skilled laborers ready to train? Where are the creative performances the community wants to see and be a part of?

I'll tell you where, it's in the continued peaceful protest 24/7 if that's what it takes to stop reframing the issue and start demilitarizing and strategizing against citizens.

I have found what I am looking for. Thank you. I wish you the best of luck.

/r/baltimore Thread Parent