Some advice for a (M25) who is forming a relationship with a (F32)

Yeah, this. I’m in my early 30s as well and haven’t found that there’s a difference in the quality of sex with younger vs. older guys. Every woman is different - your experience doesn’t matter, it’s about your attitude and willingness to learn what she likes.

Be enthusiastic. Take her cues - show interest in her pleasure and learning what she likes and doesn’t like. The first few times with a new partner are usually pretty mediocre, but by the third or fourth session it’s always very obvious whether they’re actually trying to learn or only interested in getting off.

The only thing that would make me completely stop seeing someone after sex is if disrespecting boundaries - stop immediately if she says stop, take any “no” as a hard no (not a “maybe later”), don’t assume she wants to be treated roughly unless she asks for it explicitly, etc.

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