Do you know someone who got fired on their first day? What did they do?

I was working security for the city transit in one of the top 25 most dangerous cities in America; where drugs and violence were an EVERY DAY occurrence. By which I mean I could probably count on one hand the number of days throughout my 3 years working there that there wasn't a single fight (at least), or drug bust.

Because the crime was so bad, the bus company in attempts to avoid risk to their own employees, hired a 3rd party security company to work security at the various hubs through-out the city. And since security guards are NOT police officers, by which I mean they cannot affect searches/seizures/arrests, they also had to pay out to the city police to keep at least 2 officers at every hub.

The hubs (places where buses connect, designed to make transferring from one bus to another much easier) were fairly large, each having at least 10 cameras set up. And they were nice cameras too, the ones that pivot and can be controlled to zoom in/out inside the security booth. The idea being that if the guard saw something suspicious, they could zoom in and digitally document it while simultaneously radioing for the police who were always nearby.

The security job itself required not only monitoring CCTV, but to perform foot patrols - interact with people, help answer bus questions (like schedules, so on). So to compensate, the bus company made ALL the cameras connected with ALL cameras being displayed at the main bus building (where the buses were parked and started from every day), inside their "control center" which functioned as the road supervisors office, dispatch, and the security station with one side of the room being entirely monitors displaying well over 100 live camera feeds.

As you can imagine, security jobs like these especially, have a really high turn-over rate. The job itself is low paying, and dangerous, and can be super annoying at times including but not limited to trying to leave; if your relief doesn't show up, you are not allowed to leave. There were multiple shifts where I got stuck working 16+ hours.

Anyway, so one day a new hire is setup the main city hub. He just started his first day, they're walking him around and showing him the facility, explaining job duties. They get back to the security station, start showing him the cameras; explaining how they work, how to switch and control each camera. It was easy to recognize by they do what I like to call the "demo" - where they can take a corner camera and zoom it over a city block away and read a license plate off a car. No shit.

At the time of this guy starting his first day, I was at the main bus building.

Whoever was showing that guy the cameras walked away and left that guy to his own devices without telling him probably one of the most important things - that WE CAN SEE EVERYTHING HE SEES. So what does this guy do? He starts hopping from camera to camera, zooming in on women - their crotches, their breasts, as soon as one bent over he'd zoom in. Can't deny... he was pretty good at maneuvering those things.

Anyway, I'm sitting there at the main bus hub... in shock - like oh no. And because our security company are not employees of the bus company - I don't want us to look bad - so I start calling the hub immediately. But this guy... I don't know why he didn't answer the phone, but instead just kept zooming in on crotches. One right after the other.

I wish I could say this all happened very quickly, but I can't. It went over for over 5 minutes - even after I tried to radio the guy who didn't answer that either. And then the worst happened - the bus company head of security (our client contact), walked in and saw it. Well, lol, saw a giant crotch - and started flipping out, demanding answers.

I told him that the guy was new and must not know that these cameras are all connected, been trying to reach him on the phone/radio to no avail. This guy pulls out his radio and starts yelling into it, nothing. So then this guy calls MY boss, who oversees like 100+ guards in that area of the state. I knew the minute that guy got involved... it was going to be this new guys first and LAST day.

And it was.

TL:DR Security guard new hire didn't know the cameras were all connected. Started using the cameras to look at asses and down women's shirts - wouldn't answer the phone or radio. Got busted by the client head of security who called our area supervisor, terminated immediately.

/r/AskReddit Thread