Stop the bias against Epic Games Store. It's far from perfect, but here's some advantadges for us the consumer.

I'm not pro or anti-EGS, but the amount of anti-consumerism in the initial launch does concern me.

I purchased Ashen, after watching a few let's plays. I enjoy the game. But if you run into any technical issues, there is absolutely no source of information besides one unmoderated subreddit.

Have an issue getting 21:9 working? Hours of googling! Game multiplayer seems busted? No where is the information readily available explaining the issue. Unless you have twitter and follow the dev.

I've seen the steam forums, and while most of it is pure cancer, I am also able to find discussions with search which discuss the issues. Right now, players from the EGS store are discussing the game on Steam forums and the devs are answering concerns there.

Even as a developer myself, I can see the inherent flaw here. Reviews be damned (I can watch a let's play and decide if I like a game), not having even basic troubleshooting readily available is like going back to gaming in the 1990s, hunting down a random patch on fileplanet.

This is not pro-dev or pro-consumer. It hurts both.

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