Stuck behind a school bus, dropped 3 kids off at 3 different houses within a block

I always assumed for a lot of school bus drivers it was an early retirement type of job. Every school bus driver I had when I was in school, and that I see driving around now, is in the range of 45-65.

I don't think I've ever seen one in their 20's or 30's. Public transportation yes, school bus no.

Say you hit 45 and you've already got a decent nest egg. You've lived frugally, and your house is paid off. You quit your full time job, start driving a school bus. You only work 5 hours a day, 9 months out of the year. That brings in $18k. Probably another $3k in unemployment during the summer while you kick back and relax. Besides dealing with some jackass kids you're on easy street compared to most working slobs for the next 20 years until you fully retire and get social security.

It could be a decent gig under good circumstances like that.

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