Do you have suggestions for talking about personal issues? I provided some ideas from my perspective, feedback is welcome

But autism and ptsd related topics - be very wary. Most people, at least in USA, are very uncomfortable with either.

Haha ptsd is a pretty hefty way to refer to depression and the like, but I see what you mean. I think here in West Europe people might be a little more accepting, except for autism I'm guessing.

So even when having a proper diagnosis, the advice is usually to keep it secret and just keep trying to pass as a neurotypical. Several of my friends have mentioned at some point about their coming out with autism related issues, and usually the reception has been bad, especially at work.

I always try to pass for NT. It's just tiring to always do that, especially on bad days. At work I don't even talk about it because my colleagues won't notice really notice anything, besides that I can be a little quiet or awkward. But that doesn't really raise a lot of suspicion.

So tell if you're comfortable but not to everyone, and perhaps using examples of how your issues affect you. E.g. "I always take things literally, I can't help it". "I easily get sensory overload" "Could you please say directly what you mean? I am not very good in extrapolating meanings behind tones of voice or seeing facial expressions"

You're right, this is also what I was implying. "Autism" freaks everybody out for some reason. If I were to be silly and say that my behavior is due to brain damage caused by a car crash, people would probably care a lot less. I know, weird example.

I thought of another fun way to say it. If I said that I'm basically the polar opposite of a sociopath, people would probably have a way more positive idea haha. The cool thing is that this pretty much true, from what I've understood so far about antisocial personality disorder. But that may be oversimplified to much.

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