The surprise....

Dude ....

I wasn't shaming or attacking OP, did anything i said in my comment seem aggressive or accusatory?

I was offering a fact that i beveled to be true (not all vasectomies are 100%, which is correct), asking a question on the follow up (did she admit or deny cheating when confronted), and giving my opinion (that perhaps a DNA might be worth it just in case the kid IS his, because 1% how ever slight it is, is still possible, then that child doesn't grow up wondering who their father is because he denied that 1% chance that it could be his.)

I don't believe 'women can do no wrong', that's ridiculous. everyone can do wrong, be them man, women, ect. Gender doesn't define someone's actions. Do you see me defender this women anywhere in my comment?

I didn't even mention him not informing her about the vasectomy, I really don't think it matters, it's his personal decision who he tells.

Now your reply to my comment however, (whether you meant it this way or not) feels like an attack and shaming. 'get out of here', that kind of hurts, and your stereotyping of 'typical white knight reddit' is also rude, i've been on here for maybe 3/ 4 months now, i'm pretty sure i don't fit into there, especially considering i don't defend anyone without knowing BOTH sides of the story, and didn't try to defend her at all.

Usually i don't let my anger get to me and i really try not to be aggressive because there's another person on the other side of my screen with thoughts and feelings like my own, but i guess your special.

As far as i can tell, your being all 'typical white knight reddit', because you defend OP with out knowing both sides. i see you've been here three years, if reddit pisses you off, or the people disappoint you THAT much that you need to be an asshole to others (especially when its uncalled for) maybe you should get out of here, rather then spread your anger and ruin other peoples moods.

Did you even READ my comment before you responded?? I haven't been threw all the comments as i was one of the first commenters) but I'm sure there were more fitting people to throw your pissy little rant at, or did you just randomly click a comment and start typing?

You were unjustly rude and an apology is in order i think. But congrats for defending OP, .. 'typical white knight reddit' as you said. Asshole.

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