"The takeover of SubredditDrama is one of the worst things that has ever happened on this website because of its 150,000 subscriber size and because the very people who are the problem that I am discussing happen to be in control of SubredditDrama."

I'm really bored so I'll refute it!

SRS is a cult like any other subreddit is a cult. Do you follow the moderator's rules? You're a cult by his definition. People in the subreddit /r/trashy listen to the mod's rules and post only trashy things, and hunt for trashy submissions on facebook and beyond.

Have we indoctrinated them? Are people in a cult because they do what we say? Hmmm it sounds better when you're railing against a group you don't like, isn't it.

The worst thing about Shitredditsays, however, isn't that they have their own shitty subreddit that makes zero sense to the outside world

say what you will about SRS sure but it helps to describe what they do instead of going "they're insane and different!" with froth flying from your mouth.

where a clique of users who are chummy and friendly with each other have managed to take over a very large portion of this website.

there are legit cliques on reddit that control the defaults or other sections of the website. The admins had to make a rule that makes it so one person can only mod up to three defaults at a time because of that group. They do their own things and it affects millions of subscribers and the content they see. I don't know if it's nefarious or not but given the combined numbers in the defaults versus the projected subs that SRS supposedly controls you'll see that one is several times larger than the other.

The term meta-reddit cancer was coined by a couple trolls who view all of meta reddit outside of their own clique to be cancerous. You'll notice that meta mainstays like Kotukuinaction and SRSsucks are excluded from that 'metacancer' umbrella despite them having identical content.

to turn the site into a place run by skeleton warrior and necromancer moderators who tolerate no deviation from their beliefs

/r/drama did an expose a while back that showed SRSsucks mods co-operating with IdesofLight, a notable black-power feminist SRS member. When this came to light in SRSsucks the moderators first removed posts and then threadlocked them. Isn't it odd how blatant censorship isn't mentioned?

that we can all gain a greater understanding of what a powerful cabal of agenda-driven users are doing to and have done to this site that we all love.

literal aforementioned cabals go unnoticed but the moment one mentions feminism is when reddit starts caring

That whole paragraph where the user claims he sat in IRC rooms and private subreddits and all that.... where's the proof? Shit, screenshot technology has existed since 2012 when this whole thing has started, so... where is the proof?

Shitredditsays, circlebroke, Braveryjerk, circlejerk, TheBluePill, SubredditDrama, SRDbroke, and Drama

SRDbroke was founded by SRS as was thebluepill. The Jerks are their own thing, circlebroke has always been SRS-lite, and I can assure ya'll that /r/drama is not an SRS subreddit, as a long-time mod. That particular user is a bit ass-frustrated since we don't play along with their dumb games. IIRC one of our longer-standing mods founded Kotukuinaction. Hmmmm

I've been on SRD for a long time. SRS doesn't control it. If you got banned from SRD because you said "niggers" in another subreddit then SRD is literally SRS. If not, then that's just another yellin' point.

/r/lgbt and /r/creepypms were always SRS-run iirc. The others aren't even close to any social-justice-y things. Worldnews? The "kill all muslims" worldnews? bah

they make sure that any discussion that goes against their social justice and necromancer beliefs is censored and controlled

examples: I want to call someone a faggot or a transgirl a man and I can't. LITERALLY SRS

The only legit example in that grouping is /r/offmychest, which was taken over via a reddit coup IIRC and does censor things they don't like, like a particular post about a man getting raped by a woman.

That user is giving the admins way too much credit in terms of doing anything in the /r/LGBT snafu, which is also easily searchable in this subreddit (since the admins don't remove anyone if they're being unfair or whatever. Ever.) Laurelai was being tyrannical and a douchebag but she got removed and /r/lgbt tries to maintain a safe space, which isn't SRS, that's just futile :D

This is the first notable time that SRS and other metareddit cancer have taken control of subreddits and they've gone on to manipulate reddit's subreddit request system to bring even more subreddits under their control.

Every 'faction' on reddit does this. My fave is krustykrackers (<3 u) getting a hold of /r/Catholic:

check out this modlist

hang on, what's that, he's a moderator of SRSsucks? Wow, would you look at that factionalism! Magical!

o other reddit clique and group operating on this website that looks to take over and control as many subreddits as they can

If you're really a native of SRD you'd be well aware of the holocaust deniers groups reddit requesting aggressively anything related to Judaism, the holocaust, etc. SRS would really have to overtime it!

NO OTHER GROUP EXISTS that is looking to take over as much of this site as possible.

cough defaults cough stormfront cough

is that some of reddit's current and past administrators support and belong to this cabal of metareddit cancer.

now when you're done implying that this metaredditcancer is out to steal your children and rape your wife, any association with them would seem bad, no?

Or, as it would seem, if you're wrong about the associations in the first place. Two ex-admins who were involved in meta reddit because it was their job would join the community after they left their job, is this a gigantic conspiracy? Admittedly Intortus was kinda SRS-y but given SRS's general inactivity since their glory days I'd wager him sitting on the modteam serves to piss off people who don't like him.

And it seems that that idea is totally fulfilled!

An administrator who was fired

[citation needed]

he was literally a member of Shitredditsays and as an admin he used his power to carry out SRS's agenda. He routinely ostracized and terminated the accounts of (shadowbanned) people who posted in subreddits that SRS want destroyed and now he sits as a moderator of SRS.

[need of a citation intensifies]

Interestingly, enemies of SRS such as /r/niggers and some anti-SJ circles were banned and shadowbanned.... but the proof in all cases showed that it was for brigading, not for being unsavory.

This is one of the biggest yet unknown bits of corruption in reddit's history yet you wouldn't know it because the subreddit created as a watchdog for this sort of thing - /r/Subredditdrama[15] - was taken over by SRS and reddit metacancer in 2013

The part why everyone here is laughing at the person. Does anyone remember the days of Syncretic? Of the pink tags of SRS members being everywhere? Because that was what was happening prior to 2013, not afterwards. Why is there no longer SRS drama frontpaging everyday on SRD?

Because SRS hasn't actually done anything big in like two years. They're fractured and many of their problem users, for the most part unreported, get shadowbanned often. Lolcow Laurelai got kicked out of SRS and the last thing any archangelle did was Strudelle doxxing the creepshots people on tumblr.

Interestingly the user that wrote this has trouble distinguishing a few things that seem rather important:

  • feminism and social justice concepts are not inherently extremist

  • While SRS is feminist and social justice-y, liking either concept does not make you SRS

That entire post seems to echo MacArthur and communist accusations. If a mod thinks that women don't have it entirely the best, that makes them a feminist, not a member of SRS. I think TITRC is a feminist prissy pansy sometimes but I do know that he doesn't dox people who he suspects of maybe going on creepshots.

This is clearly a monumental conflict of interest given that anything nefarious that this group of users do cannot be openly discussed in SubredditDrama without their consent.

yet that very post is on SRD right now! Shit!

A need for friendship that's lacking in real life. A # of users involved in this cabal are depressed, aren't "cool", are LGBT

Says the one involved in the SRSsucks clique, a group of internet friends united because they don't like people on the internet :D

However, they always cave to the agenda when it is brought up (perverted ethics in gaming journalism and social justice and tightly-controlled, censorship-happy moderation in the cabal's subreddits)

[citation needed, again, screencaps exist]

That paragraph about having dox on someone is probably a better warning against giving internet strangers your PI in general that for doing so in any specific group. That's always a bad idea!

What the users in the cabal do to gain entrance is act smug and superior

I don't think it'd be a huge stretch to say that every meta community acts exactly like that


internet friends are the worst thing ever, right /r/dickgirls?

ta dahhh

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Link - np.reddit.com