There is no difference between a real vagina and a disfigured surgical wound, saying otherwise is transphobic!

Reminds me of what my cousins are going through. I have a few in medical school rn, but several of their parents (so my uncles/aunts) are already doctors, nurses, midwives etc etc.

One of them works in this giant hospital, made out of smaller clinics. Like a university divided into smaller colleges.

And we have the Gynaecology clinic, which is technically for women's reproductive stuff, but at some point it just became to be referred to as the Women's clinic. Most of the Ob/Gyn's also double as internal medicine doctors, so they can usually give a prescription for your everyday rash or whatever

Anywhoo, that most certainly only is for women. Sometimes husbands come, but that is about it.

My uncle works there, my cousin was doing something there. I don't think he was a resident, I think he was just hanging around his dad.

At this point, the ob/gyn clinic is just referred to as the Women's clinic, and for the most part the hospital just called it that and never bothered to correct anyone or state it was anything different in writing.

Long story short, an Mtt shows up. And is offended that he cannot go into the women's clinic. And that begs the question, should ob/gyn's learn to do prostrate exams?

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